Real magic for the real world! An outstanding effect with everyday objects...and it virtually works itself! You bring out your key chain, remove a single key, and place it into the spectator's hand. You now remove the metal key tag from the chain and draw attention to the hole running through it. You place the tag into the spectator's other hand. You then explain that you're going to make "nothing" move from one location to another. You have the spectator tap her two fists together and ask, "What did you feel move?" The spectator says, "Nothing." You say, "Perfect!" The spectator opens the hand with the tag and the hole that was once there, is now gone! The "nothing" has vanished! Stranger still, when the spectator opens her other hand she discovers that "nothing" really has moved! She finds not one, but TWO holes in the key she has been holding the entire time! The key is never switched and your hands are completely empty at the end. It practically works itself! Complete with custom made key tag and key.