It's not what you think.
This is not a reprint of our 1984 edition of Revelations, Dai Vernon's legendary annotations for The Expert at the Card Table by S.W. Erdnase.
This new, over-size book was triggered by the discovery of more than 160 long-lost photographs of Dai Vernon's hands that were taken in 1961 specifically to illustrate this manuscript. It is as close as you will ever get to a personal session with the Professor.
Includes: A facsimile reproduction of the entire, original typed Revelation manuscript. Dai Vernon's annotations and the newly discovered photos of his hands have been inserted into the relevant sections of the original Expert at the Card Table text. Plus more than 100 pages of added material including Vernon's explanation (with photos) of Topping the Deck, Walter Scott's Second Deal and Double Belly Cut, the Ping Pong Shift, The Hop, Allen Kennedy's legendary Center Deal and more.
392 over-size pages with a beautiful dustjacket. The book itself measures 9 by 11.5 inches with 392 pages and a beautiful The book, bound in green cloth and stamped with copper foil, and the beautiful dustjacket were designed by Michael Albright.
The book is a visual joy – a design that is never clever for its own sake, but provides ingenious, tasteful, and sophisticated solutions to genuine problems presented by the content. The results are breathtaking, and the totality of the effect amounts to a profoundly important historical artifact, an essential manual of our craft fleshed out with exciting new discoveries, all delivered in a package that amounts to a publishing object d'art.--Jamy Swiss, Genii magazine.
The book is, indeed, a revelation. It is quite amazing that a book written in 1902 should be revelant to the serious student of card magic today, but it is. The new volume makes the material much easier to digest, and is an outstanding production in every way. Matt Field – The Magic Circular.
Two legends of card magic united in a superbly produced book. Thank you for publishing it, a magical highlight of my life. – Roy Walton.
This book is a work of art. Mike Caveney and Michael Albright have given us a gift. – David Regal.