Jay Sankey creates some of the world?�"s most inventive close-up magic and continues to please audiences by devising new magic plots with ordinary objects. This DVD features the three Jay Sankey routines that have garnered him his worldwide reputation. You will also learn some excellent coin magic and his thoughts on perfecting the classic pass.
Routines and techniques performed and explained:
- Tenkai Pinch: This much-overlooked coin technique is taught with variations and a magical production of two coins.
- Tenkai Pennies: Sankey's handling of the classic two Coins Across routine done with half-dollars.
- One Coin Production: A very clean production of a single coin from thin air using the Tenkai Pinch.
- Mexican Jumping Coins: An ingenious walk-around three Coins Across routine using only two coins and some new techniques.
- Cartesian Coins: One of Sankey's first routines has him splitting one coin into two and the two into four.
- The Cardboard Contortionist: One of the best torn-and-restored card routines where two signed cards are torn into quarters and then all eight pieces are restored. Everything is examinable before and after in this impromptu routine.
- ?ǣ#*@!?�? (Paper-Clipped): A powerful card routine you will add to your repertoire. A folded card surrounded by a paperclip is placed in full view. A card is selected and signed. It vanishes from the deck and turns up in the paperclip, which has been sitting in full view throughout the routine.
- Airtight: The routine David Copperfield featured on his TV special where an entire deck of cards penetrates through a balloon. Upon the inflation of the balloon the signed selection penetrates right through the center of the balloon leaving the rest of the cards inside. Everything can be given out at the end.
- Jay's Thoughts on the Pass: Many tips, ideas and psychological points to doing the Classic Pass cleanly, softly and deceptively.